Student Life
We offer a wide variety of after-school enrichment programs. Our extra-curricular activities include everything from the fine arts and sciences to sports and scouts.
Art Club
A weekly open studio for students in grades 5-8 who are looking for a supportive environment to thrive and express themselves creatively.
Join our active and successful athletic program through parish Boosters.
Girls on the Run
Designed to allow every girl to recognize her inner strength, the Girls on the Run curriculum inspires girls to define their lives on their own terms. Throughout the season, the girls make new friends, build their confidence and celebrate all that makes them unique.
Math Counts
MATHCOUNTS is a national enrichment club and competition program that provides fun and challenging math problems for all interested students in grades 6th, 7th and 8th. It is designed to advance students by using critical-thinking and problem solving skills.
Power of the Pen
Power of the Pen™ is an educational writing program, for 7th and 8th grade students that emphasizes creative writing and allows young writers to gain confidence in competitive situations.
Rosary Club
Our Holy Mother is waiting to embrace and to intercede for us. Come and experience this healing form of prayer on Fridays after school.
Being a member of the scouts emphasizes character development, skill development, spiritual growth, citizenship and family.
SMILE Youth Ministry Program
The SMILE program is designed for youth from 7th grade through High School. SMILE stands for Something More In Life Expected. SMILE helps provide that "something more" because you are a child of God and a very special gift to your parish!
Star Glazers Pottery Class
Join us as we learn with clay and pottery paints. We’ll create some really cool pieces from clay that will get fired in the kiln. Then we’ll paint them using mega-fun techniques.
Student Council
The goal of student council is two-fold: first, we act as a liaison between the students and school administration. The second goal of student council is service. We organize and fund several efforts each year to enhance our school and community.
Band is an opportunity for students to learn to play a musical instrument. SASEAS partners with The Music Staff, an organization that provides quality instrumental music education.