St. Andrew - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School in Milford, Ohio is a two parish – one campus Catholic School in the Cincinnati Archdiocese. It includes the St. Andrew and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parishes.
School Overview
Enrollment: 167 students K-8 / 80 students in preschool
Class Size: Average 16
Student-Teacher Ratio: 14:1
Fully Accredited by the Ohio State Department of Education and the Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association
School System: Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Core Curriculum: Religion, Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science
Special Instruction: Art, Music, Physical Education, Technology, Library, Spanish
Intervention Specialists: Math, Reading, and Speech
Technology: Each student has an ipad (K-2), Chromebook (3-8)
Preschool: Half-Day and Full-Day
Kindergarten: Full-Day
Athletic Program: through parish Boosters
After-School Enrichment: Wide variety of programming in the fine arts and sciences
Extended Day Program: before and after school
Transportation: provided by Milford, Goshen, Clermont Northeastern, and West Clermont school districts
16 Classrooms
Networked Computer Lab
Science Lab
Art Studio
Music Room
Performance Stage
Nurses Office
Football, Baseball and Soccer fields
Our school is wired with secure Internet, cable, and closed-circuit television. Morning and afternoon prayer and announcements are fed into each classroom, office and cafeteria daily. Classrooms have SMARTboard technology that allows students to view and interact directly from a computer. Classrooms are networked to the server for Internet access and accessibility to instructional software. Each student has an ipad (K-2), Chromebook (3-8).
Security of our students is of utmost importance and, therefore, all outside doors are locked throughout the school day. Video cameras along with audio are located outside each door to our buildings. They function as additional security allowing the administrative assistant to identify anyone wishing to enter the building during the day.
Our History
Since the opening of the school system in 1948, over 55 classes have graduated from SASEAS School, and more than 3,000 students have been blessed with having faith and knowledge come together through Catholic education in this program.
The history of St. Andrew-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School is the story of two parishes, and at one time, two schools. In 1948, under the leadership of Father Otto Hermann, St. Andrew Catholic School, grades one through eight, opened with an enrollment of 123 students.
Because the Milford/Miami Township area was growing rapidly, Father Herrmann began to search for land for a second school. In 1959, under his persistent direction, a 10 classroom school was built on Buckwheat Road and named “St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School” in honor of the about-to-be canonized patron saint of parochial schools and the founder of the Sisters of Charity. In 1976, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish was officially formed.
Father Otto Hermann
First Class to graduate in 1949.
Front Row: Alvina Benzinger, Russell Hodges, Carl Carpenter, Ron Meyers, Pat Westerkamm
Back Row: Rosemary Clancy, Eileen Schill, Barbara Chandler, Nancy Long, Rev. Otto J. Herrmann
Soon after, the question of ownership, control and usage of the Seton school building was complicated by the conditions of overcrowding in both school buildings. At this point there existed only one school system, under the control of one principal, Sr. Marie Patrice Joyce, S.C. She was charged with supervising the teaching of primary grades 1 through 5 in one building located at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, and grades 6 through 8 located in St. Andrew Parish.
In 1977, a coordinating committee was created to draft an organizational and financial agreement for the operation of the school, and to thereafter determine its operating policies. After a two-year trial study period, in 1993 the formal consolidation of both the Seton and St. Andrew campuses became officially known as St. Andrew-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School.