Back to School Reminders
7th Grade Vaccination Requirements
State law requires students entering 7th grade receive one dose of Tetanus-Diphtheria-Acellular Pertussis (Tdap) and 1 dose of Meningococcal Conjugate. Ohio requires the Tdap vaccine, as opposed to Td, to protect against whooping cough.
Once your child has received these immunizations please provide an updated immunization record to the school nurse. Documentation is requested prior to the first day of school. Students will be excluded from school if verification of the Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines is not received.
Incoming Kindergarteners
Require the following (forms are in your registration folder):
Copy of Immunization Record-compliant with vaccine requirements for entrance
Physical Examination-within the last 12 months-completed by medical provider
Oral Assessment-within the last 6 months-completed by dentist
Health History-completed by parent/guardian
Authorization to Disclose Immunization Information
Kindergarteners will be excluded from school if the above forms are not completed and received by the 15thday of school.
All New Students Grade 1-8
Please provide an updated immunization record.
Student Health Care Plans
Many students have a health condition/medication administration that is managed at school. The school nurse in collaboration with the student, family, educators, and healthcare providers will create a school health plan.
Students that have been identified from the previous school year as a potential student needing routine attention from the school nurse were provided with a health packet at the end of last year. If you need replacement information or are a new student needing information please contact Mrs. Griffis, the school nurse,
Health Forms
Handling Illness
Please do not send your child to school when he or she is not feeling well. Even if your child tests negative for COVID-19, it doesn’t necessarily mean they should be in a classroom with other children.
If your child has fever, cough, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose, congestion, eye drainage, just not feeling good or acting like themselves you are advised to keep him or her at home until he or she is feeling better and symptoms are improving. Some symptoms require additional time at home such as vomiting, diarrhea and fever which require 24 hours of exclusion since the last episode. If they come back to school too soon, their illnesses can be spread throughout the classroom. If you have questions about when to exclude or have your child return, please contact me.
Safe Snack List
Please use this list when selecting a treat that will be shared.
No homemade baked goods may be brought into the classroom. ALL FOOD MUST be in the manufactured packaging, individually sealed and packaged. Please see the school nurse with any questions.
COVID Protocols
Mask to Stay/Test to Play
Asymptomatic K-12 students and all staff can “Mask to Stay/Test to Play” regardless of where their exposure may have taken place (school, sport, household and community) and regardless of vaccination status.
This allows asymptomatic students and staff to attend school while wearing a mask if they have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.
What to do if your child is ill
Regardless of vaccination status students with Covid-like symptoms: headache, fever, chills, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, congestion, runny nose, sore throat and loss of taste or smell.
At the onset of any COVID-like symptoms, stay home.
Test on day 3 (testing too early can cause false/negative). If positive, stay home for 5 days from the onset of symptoms and return to school once symptoms improve on day 6. Continue to wear a mask for 5 additional days (days 6-10, out of mask on day 11).
If negative, return to school when symptoms improve.
What to do if exposed to COVID-19
Regardless of vaccination status and regardless of where the exposure occurred (school, sport, household or community)
Student can continue to attend school and should:
Wear a mask for 10 days from the date of exposure.
Monitor for symptoms.
If symptoms develop, isolate and test on day 3 after symptom onset.
What to do if a student athlete is exposed to COVID-19
Regardless of vaccination status and regardless of where the exposure occurred (school, sport, household or community)
If the student athlete wants to continue to attend practices and games.
Athletes will test on notification of exposure.
If negative and asymptomatic, can continue to attend practices and games.
If symptoms develop, begin isolation, and get tested 3 days after symptom onset.
If testing is declined, athletes may not return to practice or games for 10 days from exposure.
Student athletes must still attend school in a mask for 10 days.
What is not changing?
Families will still need to keep students home when they are sick and notify the school nurse if they test positive for COVID-19.
The ODH guidance for isolation and quarantine.
Other layers of protection will remain in place like distancing when possible, frequent handwashing and cleaning and disinfecting protocol.
Day zero is still the last day of exposure or day of symptom onset or positive test.
The school will accept a PCR or antigen test. All tests need to be administered by your healthcare provider or proctored if over the counter.
If you need help with testing, please reach out to the school nurse. SASEAS now has a supply of COVID- 19 proctored antigens tests available.
Test may be a PCR or antigen test. The test can be done with any healthcare provider. All over the counter, self-administered tests need to be proctor observed by the manufacturer using the QR code on the box and be able to deliver a copy of results to the school nurse. *If an over-the-counter test was self-administered without a proctor it will not be accepted.
Where to Test
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Download cincykids app
Create an account
Select Schedule a Visit
A nurse practitioner will call you to complete a telehealth visit and then place an order for COVID-19 test. You will be instructed on details for obtaining the test. All testing is done through Cincinnati Children's results within 24 hours
Well Now (St.Rt28,in front of Meijer) 513-831-5900
The Little Clinic (Kroger 824 Main Street) 513-744-5606
Primary Care Provider/Pediatrician
COVID-19 Vaccines
Children Ages 5 to 11
Please send in your child’s Covid-19 vaccination card after second shot is received.
Children ages 5 to 11 can start getting their COVID-19 vaccines. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center has vaccines available. Use this link to schedule an appointment
Parents can also schedule appointments at Public Health’s offices using ArmorVax, or check with their child’s pediatrician to see if they’re offering the vaccine.