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Opening Day Out of Uniform

Opening Day Out of Uniform

Dear SASEAS families,

With the advice of our SASEAS Student Council, I have agreed to make this Thursday, March 27, an out of uniform day to celebrate Opening Day for the Cincinnati Reds. If you choose to participate, please keep our normal out of uniform expectations in mind. As always, this is voluntary so students may be in uniform if desired. 

 Go Reds!

Paul Estes - Principal

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Pottery Class

Pottery Class

Star Glazers Pottery Hand-Building and Painting Class at SASEAS

Join us as we learn with clay and pottery paints. We’ll create some really cool pieces from clay that will get fired in the kiln. Then we’ll paint them! Don’t worry if you took the class before. We do all new projects!

When: Fridays - March 21, 28, and April 11, After school until 4:30

Grades: K-8 Classroom: Art Price: $45

Go to www.starglazers.com > Click on School Class > SASEAS

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Spirit Day

Spirit Day

On Spirit Days students are permitted to come dressed to school in Spirit Wear attire to show their pride and honor in being a SASEAS student.

The following is a list of acceptable apparel:

  • SASEAS Uniform can be worn.

  • School Spirit Wear Apparel (Hoodies are permitted).

  • Apparel with School Name or Mascot - Titan Athletes (No team uniforms unless approved by the principal.)

  • Uniform bottoms are to be worn on spirit days (approved skirts, shorts, slacks, pants). No blue jeans or other non-uniform bottoms on spirit days unless approval is given by principal.

  • Shoe policies still apply.

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SAC Meeting

SAC Meeting

School Advisory Council 

The purpose of the School Advisory Council (SAC) is to develop, define and promote the overarching policies that govern the operations of St. Andrew-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School. The SAC also provides oversight to school finances. The School Advisory Council works in close collaboration with the school administration and under the authority of the Pastors in the implementation of these policies to assist the school in accomplishing its goals and objectives.

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Pottery Class

Pottery Class

Star Glazers Pottery Hand-Building and Painting Class at SASEAS

Join us as we learn with clay and pottery paints. We’ll create some really cool pieces from clay that will get fired in the kiln. Then we’ll paint them! Don’t worry if you took the class before. We do all new projects!

When: Fridays - March 21, 28, and April 11, After school until 4:30

Grades: K-8 Classroom: Art Price: $45

Go to www.starglazers.com > Click on School Class > SASEAS

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Grandparents Day & May Crowning

Grandparents Day & May Crowning

We will begin the day with a 9:00 AM May Crowning and Rosary followed by visits to the school classrooms, a reception in the cafe and a book fair in the gym.

Grandparents day will end at 11:00 AM and all students will be dismissed at this time.

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Pottery Class

Pottery Class

Star Glazers Pottery Hand-Building and Painting Class at SASEAS

Join us as we learn with clay and pottery paints. We’ll create some really cool pieces from clay that will get fired in the kiln. Then we’ll paint them! Don’t worry if you took the class before. We do all new projects!

When: Fridays - March 21, 28, and April 11, After school until 4:30

Grades: K-8 Classroom: Art Price: $45

Go to www.starglazers.com > Click on School Class > SASEAS

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SAC Meeting

SAC Meeting

School Advisory Council 

The purpose of the School Advisory Council (SAC) is to develop, define and promote the overarching policies that govern the operations of St. Andrew-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School. The SAC also provides oversight to school finances. The School Advisory Council works in close collaboration with the school administration and under the authority of the Pastors in the implementation of these policies to assist the school in accomplishing its goals and objectives.

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Spirit Day

Spirit Day

On Spirit Days students are permitted to come dressed to school in Spirit Wear attire to show their pride and honor in being a SASEAS student.

The following is a list of acceptable apparel:

  • SASEAS Uniform can be worn.

  • School Spirit Wear Apparel (Hoodies are permitted).

  • Apparel with School Name or Mascot - Titan Athletes (No team uniforms unless approved by the principal.)

  • Uniform bottoms are to be worn on spirit days (approved skirts, shorts, slacks, pants). No blue jeans or other non-uniform bottoms on spirit days unless approval is given by principal.

  • Shoe policies still apply.

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Cornhole Tournament

Cornhole Tournament

Please join us for the first annual cornhole tournament to benefit the SASEAS Boosters.  $40/team of two.  There will also be split the pot and an airmail challenge (so bring your cash).  21 & Over - BYOB   Cash payout!  Cash prize pot of $500.  
Register online today!  www.saseasathletics.org/registration/p/cornhole
Doors open at 6:00 PM.  Tourney starts at 7:00 PM.

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