Our Curriculum

All academic areas follow the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Graded Course of Study and exceed standards set by the State of Ohio Department of Education.
Children of all faiths are welcome at SASEAS School. Religious education strives to enable all students to develop a personal relationship with God. Daily prayer, weekly Mass, Rosary, Adoration and participation in numerous service projects are all vital elements of our Religious Education program.
Every student participates in the formal religious educational program, which stresses both formation and information. Values of respect and service cross all curriculum and provide the context in which our children learn. Children experience a "spiral" approach to learning our Catholic faith as the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, - the Creed, Sacraments, Morality, and Prayer - are taught and developed at every grade level every year.
Language Arts
SASEAS School recognizes that students of today live in a world where communication is of paramount importance. The demands of society require that students need much more than basic literacy skills. They need to be comfortable and confident in their ability to communicate both verbally and in writing through traditional channels and through technology.
The Language Arts program of SASEAS School is comprised of many facets. Our Language Arts program is a well-balanced program, which integrates literature (reading) with the important skills of language such as writing, spelling and phonics. Since language skills are highly interrelated, learning best occurs where skills are taught in an integrated manner. Reading becomes a model and an impetus for writing and the mechanics of writing are taught in relation to authentic writing tasks. The goals of our Language Arts program include listening skills, speaking skills, reading skills, visualization skills, media literacy skills, and writing skills. We want children to learn not only how to read and write but to love to read and to write!
Mathematics is the science of numbers. It not only involves concepts and skills but also problem solving and critical thinking. Mathematics is actively explored through experimentation, discovery, manipulation, and discussion and that calculators and computers can be used as tools of mathematics.
Our Mathematics program aims at providing lifelong skills that will allow all students to function well in an every increasingly complex technological society.
Science education enables children to make discoveries about their environment and themselves. Students in all grade levels have opportunities to participate in hands-on activities and to investigate, make hypothesis, test ideas, and draw conclusions.
Our Science instruction requires student involvement in hands-on activities, demonstrations and experiments, spending time observing as well as researching and reading data and interpreting it. Integration of technology into our Science program is powerful. Science teachers incorporate technology in appropriate ways to support their teaching, from gathering information, to sharing data, watching simulations and creating new applications.
Students develop skills needed for scientific inquiry and an understanding of the various areas of science including Earth/Space Science, Life Science and Physical Science.
Social Studies
Social Studies education teaches children their connection to the past, their place in the present, and their impact on the future. The Social Sciences (History, Geography, and Government) give students a global perspective, which will enable them to become responsible citizens of a global community.
Social Sciences as taught in a Catholic school consist of an emphasis based on peace and justice along with the dignity and sacredness of the human person. Each grade level contains a geography, as well as a place and justice unit. The focus of the geography lesson is to help students become more proficient in geography, as well as a better understanding of different cultures throughout the world. The purpose of the peace and justice focus is to aid students in recognizing the Christian attitudes and values of Christ's teachings throughout history.
The SASEAS art program enhances the students' inquiry, creativity and problem-solving skills. Students are not only taught art concepts and history but the program integrates other curricula as well. (e.g. science, language art and social studies).
The art program offers students alternative ways to communicate their ideas and emotions as they experiment with paint, sculpting materials and various other media. The art experiences are planned to be fun, meaningful, and interesting.
Physical Education
The Physical Education program emphasizes movement education, manipulative skill development, and an introduction to various sports and fitness activities.
As a part of a Catholic Education program, the physical education classes also promote teamwork, cooperation, and a respect for all individual abilities. Through the use of a variety of games and activities, the Physical Education program encourages an appreciation for the enjoyment, benefit, and necessity of lifelong physical activity.
Music education is an integral part of the aesthetic experience at SASEAS School. Music education helps children grow to be sensitive to life and culture, and can also affect how they worship.
At the heart of the music program is hands-on experience in making music. Students in grades K – 2 learn fundamental music elements, such as rhythm, melody and form, through singing-games and playing various percussion/mallet instruments. Students in grades 3 through 5 learn to play the soprano recorder and 6th, 7th and 8th graders learn beginning guitar as well as fundamental piano skills.
Performing in front of a live audience is an integral part of our music program. Beginning in Kindergarten, each grade performs a musical play during the school year. From singing and dancing to speaking and acting, all students have the opportunity to be an active participant in an on-stage performance.
Additional after school ensembles include the school chorus for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students and beginners band for 4th through 8th grade students.
The Spanish program is based on the belief that the purpose of learning a foreign language is to communicate with those who speak it, and to appreciate their cultures.
Students in 1st through 5th grade take Spanish class once per week for 18 weeks (six weeks each trimester), and 6th, 7th and 8th graders are enrolled in Spanish twice a week. Students are encouraged to understand the close relationship between language and culture and to make connections and comparisons with their own cultures to the cultures they learn about in class. Our Spanish program is designed to better prepare students for a high school language course in addition to helping prepare them for college, careers and the world.
Classroom activities during Spanish are designed to provide practice for the students in interpreting and expressing meaning through paired peer interactions. The students find themselves being actively involved to better read, write, speak and listen in Spanish.
Students at SASEAS School utilize educationally appropriate technology to enhance their thought and problem-solving skills, and use multiple resources to access, evaluate, process and communicate information. The faculty integrates information technologies into every aspect of school life and models the appropriate use of technology so that the students begin to see it as a useful tool.
Technology is used in connection with and to enhance the graded courses of study as approved by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. SASEAS School makes use of the most effective up to date equipment so that students are able to communicate safely and effectively in our modern society.
Standardized Tests
Students in grades 3 – 7 take the IOWA Assessment in the spring of each year. Additionally, grades 2 and 5 take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), which essentially measures a student’s IQ. 8th graders planning to enroll in a Catholic high school take the High School Placement Test (HSPT) in November each year. All kindergarten through 3rd grade students are monitored three times annually using the AIMSwebPlus diagnostics to determine growth in reading, language arts, and math. Students in grades 5 and 8 also take the ACRE assessment each winter to help us determine the strengths and areas for improvement in our religion and faith development program.
These various test results provide data on each student and allow teachers to monitor the progress of their students over the years. Additionally, longitudinal studies are used to constantly review and evaluate our curriculum. In 2016, the K-5 Math program was reviewed and replaced as well as a new science K-8 program in 2017.
SASEAS Catholic School is proud of its academic record of performance and continues to remain academically challenging to its students.
Accreditation Catholic Identity Goal
Students will increase and apply their understanding of missionary discipleship.
Accreditation Academic Performance Goal
Students will increase their ability to apply mathematical computation skills to problem-solving.